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World News: Jamaican activist sues bank for slavery Black Habits Articles A Jamaican youth activist in New York has filed a slavery genocide lawsuit in State Court in Brooklyn, demanding compensation for Barclays Bank's alleged role in enslaving his Jamaican ancestors and the "resulting destruction" of his African ethnic and national identity. Posted by jcohen on Monday, July 07 @ 14:30:55 UTC (12393 reads)
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World News: Nobel Peace Prize winner claims AIDS virus was deliberately created as bio agent Black Habits Articles There's actually quite a lot of evidence supporting the theory that the AIDS virus was deliberately created. Now, a Nobel Peace Prize winner back the theory with her own statements about the origin of the AIDS virus Posted by jcohen on Tuesday, November 13 @ 11:00:39 UTC (6375 reads)
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World News: Vit D Recommendation Missing From Breast Cancer Task Force Report on Black Women Black Habits Articles Once in a great while, a report emerges from the medical establishment that's so myopic and devoid of wisdom that it boggles the mind. Posted by jcohen on Thursday, October 25 @ 18:34:36 UTC (7978 reads)
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World News: Racial differences in kidney cancer care, outcome Black Habits Articles NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - There are disparities in the treatment and outcome between older black and white patients who have renal cell cancer, with blacks having significantly lower survival rates, according to a new study. Posted by jcohen on Sunday, October 07 @ 00:00:00 UTC (2969 reads)
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World News: Poet explores forgotten black Civil War history Black Habits Articles GULFPORT, Miss., (Reuters Life!) - A regiment of black soldiers who fought in the South against slavery during the U.S. Civil War might have expected to have earned a place in history. Instead their story was forgotten. Posted by jcohen on Friday, October 05 @ 00:00:00 UTC (2846 reads)
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World News: Justice At Last: Jena 6 Teen Mychal Bell Released From Prison Black Habits Articles JENA, La. (AP) — Mychal Bell exited the courthouse, free for the first time in 10 months. He was cheered by a crowd that included the Rev. Al Sharpton. But Bell's case is far from over: he's due back in court. Posted by jcohen on Wednesday, October 03 @ 00:00:00 UTC (3109 reads)
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World News: Descendants of slaves still suffer in Brazil Black Habits Articles PARACATU, Brazil (Reuters) - Moacir de Mello's small farm is squeezed on one side by bulldozers belonging to a Canadian mining firm and on the other by a rancher trying to make him leave. "We're locked up like a pig in a sty," his wife says. Posted by jcohen on Friday, September 28 @ 14:16:39 UTC (3727 reads)
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World News: High Tech ''Invisible Man'' Black Habits Articles You may not have heard of Dr. Mark Dean. And you aren't alone. But almost everything in your life has been affected by his work.

Note: By Tyrone D. Taborn
Posted by jcohen on Thursday, September 27 @ 11:02:59 UTC (3621 reads)
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World News: Reparation movement at a new and more cirtical stage Black Habits Articles A Caribbean Reparations Caucus which has presented a 17-point declaration to the meeting in Bridgetown says the movement has clearly established the legal basis for reparations for the damage caused by slavery.

Note: David Williams Bridgetown, Barbados
Posted by jcohen on Wednesday, September 05 @ 15:42:13 UTC (5939 reads)
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World News: NAACP wins on removing the ''N'' word from the dictionary Black Habits Articles A Small Victory...A Giant Step (Thanks NAACP)!! There has been a change in Webster's Dictionary. Kweisi Mfume, President and CEO of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) recently gave a speech at Virginia Tech. Posted by jcohen on Wednesday, July 11 @ 14:24:48 UTC (5293 reads)
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