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Editorial: Real love: when we don't reveal our true selves in relationships, we miss out on Black Habits Articles I HAVE A CONFESSION TO MAKE: I'M A BIT OF A NERD. Have probably been one since the age of 5, when I took up bird-watching in my family's backyard with the intensity of an ornithologist--using my binoculars, bird encyclopedia and a special composition book to take copious notes. Posted by jcohen on Wednesday, June 21 @ 00:00:00 UTC (2162 reads)
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Editorial: Do you keep it real in your relationships? Black Habits Articles Our quiz can help you find out if you're being true to who you really are, or just faking the funk: Posted by jcohen on Tuesday, June 13 @ 00:00:00 UTC (1966 reads)
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Editorial: HOW TO STAY TRUE TO YOURSELF IN RELATIONSHIPS Black Habits Articles The following advice can help you begin building positive relationships on a solid foundation of honesty and integrity: Posted by jcohen on Friday, June 09 @ 00:00:00 UTC (2383 reads)
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Editorial: The biggest lies about Black male and female relationships Black Habits Articles THE "happy Black couple." To some, that phrase seems like the ultimate oxymoron. That's because so many people buy into the notion that the battles between Black men and Black women are so fierce that maintaining a stable, committed relationship is virtually impossible.

Note: COPYRIGHT 2002 Johnson Publishing Co. COPYRIGHT 2002 Gale Group
Posted by jcohen on Tuesday, June 06 @ 12:26:56 UTC (11727 reads)
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Editorial: The Willie Lynch Letter Black Habits Articles I thought this was the most appropriate time for ALL OF US to re-read, remember and NEVER FORGET, the speech given by Willie Lynch a slave owner who over 300 years ago devised a plan to help keep Black people divided... Posted by jcohen on Monday, February 27 @ 12:11:57 UTC (2025 reads)
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Editorial: Sex and brothers: what turns men on - and off Black Habits Articles (Ebony, 07/97) AT LAST count, more lies had been told about Black men and sex than any other subject. The biggest . lie, spread by both critics of Black men and supporters of Black men, is that Black men are perpetually turned on and that nothing turns them off. Posted by jcohen on Sunday, February 12 @ 00:00:00 UTC (105325 reads)
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Editorial: New T.O. Community Survey Now Online Black Habits Articles Blacks Youths A Target??? Posted by ryoung on Sunday, August 21 @ 21:02:39 UTC (1801 reads)
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